Интернэтийн сүлжээ, үйлчилгээ

  • Танилцуулга

    Фэйсбүүк “Government Case Work Channel” – 2016 оноос хойш Харилцаа холбооны зохицуулах хороо болон Фэйсбүүк компанийн удаа дараагийн уулзалтаар Монгол Улсад аюулгүй, ёс зүйтэй нийгмийн сүлжээний орчныг бий болгоход хамтран ажиллах шаардлагатай гэдэгт санал нэгдсэн ба Фэйсбүүк компани нь өөрийн платформ дахь хуурамч хэрэглэгчийн бүртгэлийг устгах, хууль бус контентийг хязгаарлах чиглэлээр тус хороотой хамтран ажиллахаар болсон. Үүний үр дүнд аливаа хууль бус контентийн талаарх гомдол хүсэлтийг түргэн шуурхай шийдвэрлэх, зохицуулалтыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд шаардлагатай “Government-Case-Work-Channel” буюу шууд харилцах ногоон сувгийг 2019 оны 10 сард Монгол Улсад анх удаа албан ёсоор тогтоосон.  

         Энэхүү хамтын ажиллагааны хүрээнд тус хороо нь 2020 оны Улсын Их Хурал, Орон нутаг болон 2021 оны Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгчийн сонгуулийн хугацаанд үр дүнтэй хамтран ажилласан болно. “Government Case Work Channel” нь зөвхөн хууль бус, фэйсбүүкийн хэрэглэгчийн дагаж мөрдөх хэм хэмжээ “Community Standards”-г зөрчсөн контентийг фэйсбүүк платформоос устгах чиглэлээр зөвхөн ажиллах бөгөөд дор дурдсан фэйсбүүк нийгмийн сүлжээтэй холбоотой хүсэлтүүдийг тус хороо нь хүлээн авч шийдвэрлэх боломжгүй. Үүнд:

    • Фэйсбүүк хаяг болон хуудасны нууц үг сэргээх болон түүнтэй холбоотой
    • Фэйсбүүк хаяг болон хуудасны boost болон share хийхтэй холбоотой 
    • Фэйсбүүк хаяг болон хуудасны төлбөр болон түүнтэй холбоотой 
    • Хувь хүний фэйсбүүк хаяг болон хуудас баталгаажуулалтай холбоотой 
    • Нас барсан хүний фэйсбүүк хаяг хаах болон түүнтэй холбоотой

    Хэрэглэгчийн бүртгэлийн мэдээлэл гэх мэт.

    "Youtube trusted partner" -2021 оны 5-р сараас эхлэн Харилцаа холбооны зохицуулах хороо нь "Youtube" Платформ-той хамтран ажиллаж хууль бус контентийг "trusted partner" горимоор мэдээлэлж эхэлсэн.

  • Фэйсбүүк олон нийтийн сүлжээнд репорт хийх зөвлөмж
  • "Facebook community standards“-ийн танилцуулга

Facebook “Government Case Work Channel” - Since 2016, the Communications Regulatory Commission and Facebook have agreed that it is necessary to work together to create a safe and ethical social network environment in Mongolia. To cooperate with the commission in limiting illegal content. As a result, the “Government-Case-Work-Channel” or green channel for direct communication, which is necessary for the quick resolution of complaints about any illegal content and the implementation of regulations, was officially established in Mongolia for the first time in October 2019.

Within the framework of this cooperation, the committe has worked effectively during the 2020 State Grand Khural, Local and 2021 Mongolian Presidential elections. The “Government Case Work Channel” will only work to remove content from the Facebook platform that is illegal and violates Facebook’s user compliance norms “Community Standards”. It includes:

  • Regarding Facebook account and page password recovery
  • Regarding to Facebook account and page boosting and sharing
  • Regarding Facebook account and page charges
  • Regarding personal Facebook account and page verification
  • Relating to closing Facebook accounts of the deceased

User information, etc.

“Youtube trusted partner” - starting from May 2021, the Communications Regulatory Commission, in cooperation with the “Youtube” platform, started reporting illegal content using the “trusted partner” mode.

The Commission regulates digital content in order to support the development of digital content in Mongolia, create a favorable environment for market competition, and coordinate relations aimed at providing access to the public with quality services that are in the public interest and within the scope of the mandate granted by the Communications Law. Content is being regulated in accordance with Article 15.16.3 of the Law on Business Licenses.

According to Section 8.2 of Article 8 of the Law on Child Protection, the Communications Regulatory Commission regularly infroms the public of recommendations and instructions on protecting children from games, news, information, advertisements, and monitors the activities on electronic networks that have a negative impact on children’s development, health, education , and maturity. 

Every year, we traditionally organize an essay and letter contest to listen to children's voices, their problems, suggestions, and requests. For example, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the "My Home - Safe Environment" e-mail contest as part of the Children's Dear User event, the "Let's make the electronic environment right" campaign in cooperation with the Central Police Organization, and the International "Internet Watch Foundation" in cooperation with the Children's Fund of the United National Organization. Major works have been implemented, such as the removal of images and videos of child sexual abuse, content with inappropriate content from the Internet, prevention, and reporting in Mongolian.

Since October 2019, the Communications Regulatory Commission has opened a "Green Channel" to cooperate with Facebook. Within the framework of cooperation, arrangements are being made to remove and limit inappropriate and illegal news, information, and content in the field of child protection in the online environment.

Protecting children from any inappropriate news, information, and content in the electronic environment, protecting personal information in the online environment, providing advice and information on safe and proper participation in the online environment, preventing and protecting against crimes and violations committed in the online environment, and major public, private and international organizations In cooperation with organizations, at least two major events are organized every year. Also, in cooperation with professional psychologists and teachers, 100 video stories, 225 posters and 230 posters, including tips and guides for the proper use of the electronic environment, have been published on the ekids.mn website.

IWF Reporting portal(линкийн оруулах, сайт нь өрөө англи хэлний сонголттой) ( зурагуудыг/banner оруулах)

In cooperation with the Children's Fund of the United National Organization, with the help of the international organization "Internet Watch Foundation", the system was created and introduced the possibility to report in Mongolian language "to remove, prevent, and provide information about images, videos, and inappropriate content of children from the Internet."

We know how heartbreaking it is to see pictures and videos of child sexual abuse. Using the portal system, young victims can be saved from further violence. 

Reporting is quick, easy and completely anonymous. However, if you want to know what action has been taken on the information you provided, by providing your email address we can contact you.