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Organizational structure


The CRC is an independent Mongolian Government Regulatory Authority. The CRC was established by the Communications Act of 2001, and is charged with regulating and supervising a wide range of subjects including competition issues, the provision of networks and services for fixed line and wireless telecommunications, television, radio, and satellite transmission, spectrum management, postal services and the Internet to ensure that the public interest is well-served.

The CRC's jurisdiction covers all regions of Mongolia.

In February of 2018, CRC approved “The Strategy and Action Plan for 2019-2024 year”, and we are implementing related measures in each year action plan.

 CRC mission

The Commission’s mission is to advance the development of ICT, Telecommunication and Postal sector in Mongolia to make it an efficient, competitive and less intervened communications sector which meets the needs of the Mongolian people. 

 Our values

  • Fairness;
  • Transparency; and
  • Efficiency.

CRC main objectives

  • To facilitate access to safe, reliable and affordable ICT and Broadcasting networks and services by pursuing, where appropriate, a commercially viable and competitive environment;
  • To support innovation and expansion in ICT, Broadcasting and Postal markets, through the efficient and impartial oversight of network and service providers and the enforcement of their obligations including the USOF.
  • To protect the interests of users of networks and services in the sector in which we regulate.
  • To Increase tele-density and access to ICT and Telecommunications services in the country at affordable prices,
  • To establish an interconnection regime that allows fair, transparent, prompt and equitable interconnection,
  • To re-balance tariffs so that the objectives of affordability and operator viability are met in a consistent manner,
  • To protect the interest of consumers and to address general consumer concerns relating to availability, pricing and quality of service and other matters,
  • To monitor the quality of service provided by the various operators.

In order to support our mission, values and objectives, the CRC employs the following workplace principles:

  1. Well-informed – Through research, investigation, inter-agency co-operation, ongoing public consultations, and by monitoring and resolving complaints and disputes data, we commit to operating from a solid base of evidence.
  2. Openness – By publishing objectives, procedures, annual strategic plans, divisional remits and responsibilities, decision-making processes, the reason for our decisions, an Annual Report, and by conducting open consultations, we seek continuously to engage with our stakeholders to inform them, and to have them inform our policy decisions.
  3. Timeliness – By setting organizational timeframes and goals for granting licenses, consultations, investigations, adjudications, resolution of disputes, and by publishing these timeframes, we are committed to providing an efficient service without sacrificing thoroughness.
  4. Professionalism – By adhering to best practice and laws on handling confidential information, adopting international standards, committing to staying informed, setting and meeting deadlines, and by offering an open complaints channel, we seek to reflect a consistently high level of professionalism in everything that we do.
  5. Accountability – By evaluating our own effectiveness and publishing these findings in our Annual Report to the State Ikh Hural; operating a complaints procedure; assigning particular functions to named individuals; providing an appeals process; an independent external auditing process; and in setting out open consultation, decision-making and complaints processes; the CRC is fully accountable for its actions.
  6. Quality human resources – By ensuring that we employ the best staff available; training these people in the CRC’s methods of carrying out its operations; giving individual contracts setting out clearly what is expected of them; affording them comprehensive training to improve skills and ensuring they receive annual appraisals; offering a competitive salary and an incentive bonus scheme; we are committed to attaining higher staff standards.


CRC organizational structure

The Commissions Chairman leads the Commission as head of the agency. The CRC Consists of six (6), appointed by the Prime Minister for six-year terms. The Prime Minister appoints the Chairman and CEO. 

The Commission has General-Secretary of the Commission, Internal audit and five operating departments that implement the following functions:



  1. General-Secretary of the Commission- The General-Secretary shall be the principal officer of the Commission and shall exercise powers under the control of the Chairman and related regulation of the Commission. Subject to direction of the Chairman, the General-Secretary shall exercise the powers and perform such other functions for maintaining the dignity and efficiency of the Commission meeting.
  2. Internal audit-To provide an independent assessment of the organization's risk and performance management, governance and internal control systems and support to improve them.
  3. Department of Administration and Cooperation-general counsel and legal advisory, consumer protection, investigations team, compliance, complaints and dispute resolution, public relations, administration, finance, international relations, human resource and training, IT and website management.
  4. Department of Regulatory Policy Implementation-licensing, development of standards, technical aspects of interconnection, numbering assignments, technical requirements and Internet affairs.
  5. Department of Radio Frequency Regulation and Monitoring-radio frequency spectrum planning, technical analysis, radio frequency allocation and management, radio frequency monitoring and inspections, radio frequency utilization licensing and broadcasting. 
  6. Department of Market and Tariff Regulation-market strategy analysis, market research statistics, competition and network access, tariff and interconnection, and USO. 
  7. Department of Postal Services Regulation-international, domestic postal and parcel service licensing and regulation, interconnection, define reserved areas of postal service and USP, postal zip code assignment and regulation.