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Market and Competition

By increasing regulatory participation in the information and communication sector, it became the basis for the liberalization of the industry market, support and activation of competition, transition to the form of free competition, increased access to technology, and services, and creation of a favorable investment and economic environment. To create efficient and fair competitive conditions on the market, to define and implement the principles of regulation, to establish and implement real historical data bases of the market, to increase the predictability of regulation by optimally carrying out research and analysis without delay, and to invest in the sector , is important to promote innovation. The Communication Regulatory Commission conducts research and analysis of the competitive situation and trend of the telecommunications market, determines demand, balances the protection of the interests of consumers, ensures the implementation of universal service obligations, and creates fair competition conditions for operators.


Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2021

Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2020

Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2018

Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2017

Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2016

Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2015

Main indicators of telecommunication sector 2015

Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2014

Main parameters of the communications sector of mongolia in 2013