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“IPv6 тархац, аюулгүй байдал” сэдэвт сургалтын илтгэлүүд

Session 1: Roles of Policy maker and regulator in IPv6 migration (Ashish)

Objective: To develop an understanding of what role the policy maker and regulator should play to promote IPv6 migration, including any policy and regulatory incentives.   Targeted audience: decision makers of the government and industry organizations.

Session 2: Where are we now: IPv6 deployment update (Miwa)

Objective: To provide a high level overview of IPv6, the need for migration and the current IPv6 deployment status in the world, and technical trend. Especially focusing on IPv6 deployment in mobile network operators.    Targeted audience: decision makers of the government and industry organizations.

Session 3: Internet fundamentals (Philip)

Objective: To provide fundamental technical information on the Internet by focusing on mechanism of IP peering.   Targeted audience: decision makers of the government and industry organizations.

Session 4 – IPv6 Protocol (Philip)

Objective: To provide fundamental technical information about IPv6, introducing the protocol and the relevant standards.   Targeted audience: decision makers of the government and industry organizations.

Session 5:  About IPv6 Addresses (Philip)

Objective: To explain IPv6 addressing, how it works, the differences from IPv4, and introduce how a well designed address plan can assist with network security and integrity planning.   Targeted audience for rest of the program: Technical staff of network operator organizations.

Session 6: Hands-on lab on IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack network (Philip)

Objective: Constructing IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack network which will be used for other hands-on workshops to practice implementation of the Internet infrastructure security measures.

Session 7: IPv6 Transition Technologies (Philip)

Objective: To recap the currently deployed IPv6 transition technologies, analyzing their advantages and disadvantages.  Objective: To develop an understanding of what role the policy maker and regulator should play to promote IPv6 migration, including any policy and regulatory incentives.

Session 8: IPv6 Security Introduction (Philip)

Objective: Introduction to the main similarities and differences between IPv4 and IPv6 when it comes to network infrastructure security. Presentation also introduces the main network security issues which operators of any infrastructure needs to be aware of.

Session 9: Hands-on lab on IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack network (Philip)

Objective: To understand network topology that will be used by “IPv6 router configuration exercise” in the next session via a presentation on IPv6 protocols such as OSPF3 and BGP for IPv6. To gain hands-on experience of IPv6 router configuration  

Session 10: Hands-on lab on IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack network (Philip)

Objective: To gain hands-on experience of IPv6 router configuration.  

Session 11: Securing the transition mechanisms (Philip)

Objective: To look at each transition technology presented during the previous session and discuss about securing them, their advantages and disadvantages as far as security is concerned, and look at security implications during transition to IPv6.

Session 12: Security monitoring (Philip)

Objective: To review tools and techniques to monitor IPv6 networks.  To learn monitoring of tunnels and performing forensics of possible IPv6 security events through reviewing configuration and testing of IPv6 intrusion prevention systems.

Session 13: Hands-on lab on IPv6 infrastructure security (Philip)

Objective: Continuing the lab work, now looking at Routing Protocol security.

Session 14: Hands-on lab on IPv6 infrastructure security (Philip)

Objective: Continuing the lab work, now looking at Routing Protocol security.