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Strategic goals and objectives

Strategy and objectives

Development of the information, communication and postal sector is considered as an important accelerator of the social and economic development of the country by State Great Hural (Parliament) and the Government of Mongolia. Hence “Millennium Development Goal-based Comprehensive National Development Strategy of Mongolia”, which was approved by the State Great Hural in 2008, set forth the concept as “… information and communication technology shall be treated as a main catalyst to the economic and social development of Mongolia in the 21st century (5.3.4)…”.

The activities of the Communications Regulatory Commission are guided by the policies and regulatory documents such as the Action Program 2012-2016 of the Government of Mongolia (State Great Hural, Resolution No. 35, 2012),  “Millennium Development Goal-based Comprehensive National Development Strategy of Mongolia” (State Great Hural, Resolution No.12, 2008), “National Program to Establish an Integrated  System of Registration and Information of Mongolia (2008)”, “National Program to Transition of Radio and Television Broadcasting to the Digital System” (2010), “National Program for Information Security” (2010), “Postal services to every household”, “National Program for Broadband Network” (2011), “E-Governance” (2012) national program etc.,

In the scope of the Regulatory Strategy of CRC for 2016-2018, the following actions are determined and would be implemented in the stages:

  • to develop an advanced (sophisticated) regulatory environment for information and communication technology
  • to implement regulation on use of information and communication infrastructure, information technology and broadcasting network.
  • to improve economic regulation of the sector.
  • to improve system of radio frequency planning, management and monitoring system.
  • to work to protect customer's interest, settle disputes and complaints and support the organizational development.

In order to fulfill above-mentioned strategies we are determining the main goals and implementing them:


Regulatory primary strategy 1:  To make ICT sector regulation as a tool for developing sustainable development of the country via enforcing and implementing it in compliance with international standards.

Regulatory primary strategy 2:  To create the efficient competitive environment via implementing of ideas and innovation for development of the regulation in the stages. 

Regulatory primary strategy 3: To create sufficient business environment including new technology and services which meet citizen’s demand and need and planning, allocating and regulating of national scare sources.

Regulatory primary strategy 4: To support for customer protection and ensuring customer safety.

Regulatory primary strategy 5:  To create integrated data base and soft infrastructure of information society and to introduce e-services and applications to operational activities


CRC shall implement following major measures of actions, works, projects and programs in product supplement contracts and business plan of CRC:

  • To improve and develop legal environment of the information and communication sector, to make recommendations and researches for development policy strategy and programs;
  • To support implementation of relevant actions stated in the Action Plan 2012-2016 of the Government and actions of the other national programs (“Broadband network”, “Mail to each household program”, “Transition of Radio and Television Broadcasting to Digital System”, “Information Security” national programs etc.);
  • To develop CRC strategy for action in 2016-2018 and the Commission’s Charter, to amend internal regulations and procedures;
  • To develop new terms and conditions, procedures and rules and to make amendment for regulation on license service, radio frequency planning and tariff, to implement regulatory actions and to transfer the license to online mode;
  • To take relevant actions through stages for introduction new services such as MNP, National roaming, 4G service and its regulation;
  • To perform researches and issue a license to introduce new and advanced technology and services for creating new market;
  • To provide license holders with professional and methodological advices, to publish books and other materials, to co-operate with relevant ministries and professional organizations;
  • To monitor implementation of Universal service obligation and support it in co-operation with relevant organizations;
  • To establish basis for type approval system for information and communication equipment, to develop new national standard and to make amendment;
  • To organize forums, open discussions and seminars on introduction and regulation of the sector’s development and new technology and services;
  • To improve human resource, increase skills, to develop foreign relations and to implement international projects and actions and
  • To take actions to improve work places and working conditions etc.

By implementing the strategy and achieving main goals, the fulfillment of equal  delivery condition to all will be developed to make sure that the regulatory environment of the sector is more improved, the regulation on information, communication and postal sector is recognized at the international standard level, to support market competition and establish soft infrastructure and establish e-governance, to provide information security and safety, to provide information, communication and postal services as satisfactory to customer’s demands.